Why Purpose-Driven Marketing Matters? And Nothing Else.

Traditionally, marketing has been about grabbing attention and yelling your message in the audience’s faces. The entire advertising game over the decades has been built on recall-recall-recall, from radio jingles to TV ads over the decades. Fast forward to today, and no one gives a sh*t about your ads or your brands. Trust and loyalty must be earned. This is why many startups in the D2C space are competing with big brands, gaining more market share by being more authentic and closer to audiences.

Here are three truths from my experiences, if you want your brand to matter…

1. Define Your Brand DNA:

The fundamental ‘why’ you exist is way bigger than ‘what’ you do. What’s the big reason behind why you do what you do? If it’s just about making money, well, everyone is thinking the same, and audiences don’t give a damn about you trying to lure them. The ‘why’ must originate from how you intend to help and create an impact. And when you define your brand DNA, don’t put it on your wall or slide-decks.. live it.. across functions.. authentically.

2. Branding is Not About Recall:

Gone are the days of bombarding your audience’s eyeballs to drive recall. Everyone and their cousin have moved away from traditional media, so why are your concepts about brands lingering in the past? Branding today is about relevance, not recall. If everyone is spending way more time on their devices, that’s where the party is, and that’s where you need to matter, be relevant, and be part of conversations. The more conversations your content can start to be part of, the more you stay in their lives. It’s not about acquiring customers but building a relationship with them. So next time you review any marketing material going out.. ask.. what conversation will it start or be part of?

3. Don’t Create for the Brand:

Nobody gives a damn about your brand or how shiny your logo is. It’s only you who’s obsessed with it. The goal must be to create share-worthy content (in any form) for the audience. All your marketing must be about your audience and not about you. Not about your USP, not about five product features, not about clients and testimonials (all that works when someone comes looking for you, then it adds credibility). Anything you create in marketing, must be share-worthy, engagement-worthy, in their interest first. Experiment with the IUCTC framework (in the book), which is all about deep diving and getting to know your audience. Create to solve or celebrate the tiniest pain points of your audience, and your brand becomes the conduit through which the content flows, and you turn your audience into brand evangelists who take your content (brand along) to crazy distances.

Stop peddling your products and services in the name of marketing; Stop targeting the eye-balls and start connecting with their hearts, that’s where true engagement and love is.

Masterclass at Rebel Foods – Viral Content 101

Grateful to have lead the masterclass on Viral Content with the incredible teams at Rebel Foods – home to loved brands like Faasos, Behrouz Biryani and EatSure

Loved the enthusiastic Q&A, looking beyond vanity metrics and exploring the essence of genuine engagement, authentic content, and the magic that unfolds when creating ‘dil se’… Excited for the adventures and experiments which unfold in the future!

Thanks Parivartan for making it happen :)


How Tamil became a search term for the book on Amazon :)

I’ve been wondering… how Tamil is a search term for the book on Amazon.. now I know.. ❤️

Here’s an excerpt from the post by Sriram Selvan and the reel which hit 100k views

In a recent Being Scenius Podcast episode, one of the guests discussed the impact of the book “Fast, Cheap, and Viral” by Aashish Chopra on his life. The conversation revolved around this book.

I used to save the book-related discussion for the end of the hour-long (sometimes a couple of hours-long) podcast.

In this particular episode, which lasted an hour and a half, I introduced the giveaway at the 1-hour 25-minute mark. I encouraged listeners who reached this point to connect with me on Instagram for a chance to win the book.

Surprisingly, I received the first direct message within two hours of the episode, and more followed in the subsequent days! As promised, I gave the book to the first five people who reached out.

It has opened many quality conversations with the listeners, which is most important for a podcaster like me!

While platform statistics provide insights into viewers and analytics, engaging in such enjoyable experiments adds a unique dimension to the experience!

PS: The episode was uploaded three months ago, and as of yesterday, I received a DM to participate in the giveaway!

Keynote on Creativity, with largest audience ever at Boehringer Ingelheim :)

Immensely grateful to have presented a keynote on creativity at Boehringer Ingelheim, addressing the largest audience I’ve ever had.. about 100 in person and 400 online
This session was different from insights about viral content and videos. It was a deep dive into the past nine years, into the heart of the creative process that driven my work, which made it all possible. The final keynote emerged from truths, experiences, and lessons learned from the trenches when ideas were our only lifeline.
Here’s what became the session…
How to boost creativity, even in compliance heavy organisations
How to cultivate an abundance of Ideas by deep research, connecting dots and patterns
The vital role of fun, remarkable work and ideas just flow when it seems like play
Zeroing in on who we’re creating for and why would it matter (not to please the boss for one)
Embracing authenticity and deep immersion for innovation
“Success is a by product of executing ideas which impact the world, It’s all about channeling the magic inside, to solve a problem outside.”
Thankful to the amazing audience and team at Boehringer Ingelheim… Rohit Seth,Vinod Gopal, Ritu Malkani  and Black Hat Talent Solutions & Consulting to make this happen
#fastcheapviral #creativity #keynote

Audiobook coming soon.. in four new languages :)

Super excited to share that the audiobook will soon be available in four new languages on Kuku FM… I’ve absolutely loved their immersive audio storytelling, so I’m really curious to see how the book translates into Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, and Malayalam!  
Languages have this magical way of opening up doors to new experiences and conversations, enriching in ways we couldn’t even imagine. Immensely grateful for the opportunity, knowing that it will bridge the gap beyond English and reach the very heartland  
This now brings the total to six languages, including English and Marathi ❤️
#fastcheapviral #marketing #audiobooks