Success in content is not about the views

Views can be bought, but engagement is earned. The goal for all marketing must be beyond just getting reach and views.. the goal must be to get them to share, to engage meaningfully.. and getting there consistently takes a different type of focus.. a process. Truths from my journey.

If you have doubts or questions, reply below.. I’ll do my best to answer from learnings in the trenches.. :)

Agla Station Chaand

In case you haven’t seen this already 😊

Agla Station Chaand 🇮🇳🚀
As someone posted yesterday.. ‘True test of virality is when you get something as a forward on WhatsApp, even better when it’s your mother’ 😊

Super proud of the team in taking the idea to a whole new level, stellar execution, fast turnaround and 100% in-house magic. Overwhelming response all weekend, 48 hours of so much ❤️.. across thousands of WhatsApp groups, earned social engagement and news articles even in regional languages. The video soared like the spirit of Chandrayaan 🚀🇮🇳😊

Grateful to the team, their obsession about the process and the undying spirt in pursuit of meaningful engagement.. true share-worthy content.

The goal of B2B content is to drive engagement meaningfully

The goal of B2B content is to build an engine for inbound, and the way to do that is to stay relevant in the life of your audience, and not peddle your product or brand in the name of content.. it’s about driving engagement consistently, with share-worthy content. 

The possibilities are exciting, when you move beyond the traditional and have some fun.. Great jam session in Toronto with Amitayu and Samudra from Numr, with breakthroughs, awesome content ideas and laughs..

Content marketing success for bootstrapped startups

How to win the content game… ‘jab paise nahi hain’, when you don’t have budgets or working with shoestring resources.

My truths about the process for getting great results, without big budgets.. coz creativity shines in scarcity.

If you have doubts or questions, reply below.. I’ll do my best to answer from learnings in the trenches.. :)

How to think viral content?

Going viral is an outcome, and getting there consistently takes a process. What to focus on, the one thing which matters, above everything else.. truths from my journey..

If you have doubts or questions, reply below.. I’ll do my best to answer from learnings in the trenches.. :)