Videos have a longer shelf life, when the idea is share-worthy

Whoa! Even after two years.. this April fools videos is still going big.. 15k reactions within a day.. on LinkedIn videos have a longer shelf life.. when the idea is share-worthy.. Top that with killer in-house execution.. ❤️
Thanks @pascal_bornet for sharing this, sending you the book, grateful

Why every company is a media company?

Every company today is a media company.. My truths about branding, staying relevant and investing in content vs bombarding your audience with ads…

If you have a challenge or a question, reply below.. I’d be happy to share my learnings…

Jaipur – India Tour 2022

What an awesome start to the India tour, the energy and enthusiasm in Jaipur made it super special. It started with the scheduled two hour discussion/jam session about all things content, videos, startups, creator challenges and career direction.

The evening turned into an unexpected game of charades with everyone at a quaint little cafe inside an old Haveli (check out Den cafe, and ask for ‘Izhaar chai’) I visited Jaipur alone and came back with an amazing bunch of friends.

Thank you for making it awesome :) 

To the next city.. :)

The first video – Gurgaon Toll Surprise

This day eight years back, I released my first ever video. It was the happiest and the scariest moment of my life, happiest coz it was my first ‘viral’ experience and scariest coz if I did not build on that, if I did not figure out, learn, deep dive, obsess about why it worked.. then I’d be back to the rat race, nothing but a one hit wonder.

The journey and the obsession since then has resulted in 76 videos which went viral, 470M views and a best-selling book.. which for a college drop out, written off as a failure.. was beyond my wildest imagination. Results are never in our hands, but our action and performance is, and one brick at a time, compound effect works like magic. Life always gives you signs, shows you doors, but what matters is if you run through them.

And when that tiny door opened on Feb 18, eight years back.. I ran through it like my life depended on it.


Super Grateful for everything that came after :)