
News-Jacking The Infamous Govt. Ban!


The news spread like wildfire, govt. without notice banned porn in India. Now that’s something a brand will never associate with, forget creating content around it. But then we thought, what would Amul do? Amul’s creatives have by far been the inspiration for topical content, the original king of news-jacking in India.

News-jacking is a fancy-schmancy marketing lingo for topical content, or easily put: Breaking news + Brand DNA, for creating content.

We racked our brains, until we hit the sweet spot, spot on, yet subtle. Since our brand DNA is all about celebrating travel, we merged the ‘ban’ with popular tourist destinations, and the idea was born.

Ban is the new ‘B’ word



Take a look at the entire album

When stuff like this happens, you got to become CNN for 2 hours, from brainstorming, to design, to post, super fast at execution. And results were great, and since it is in the news still, it’s growing :)

Content Ideas Are Everywhere; Execution is Everything

If your job is to create content, there are ideas everywhere you look. Case in point, the latest series of minimalistic graphics we did, idea for which was born sitting on Indigo’s flight flying to Mumbai.

The good old guide for flight passengers


How about flipping the theme :)

The team got into research, and produced some kick-ass visuals. From writing copy to numerous design reviews, we spent hours brainstorming the theme, design and possibly a video in the making :) Check the slide-deck below. 

 Content ideas are everywhere, team-work in execution is everything.

From the eye of a content creator – Stories everywhere

From the experience on the flight, to curious observations. With the world your playground and tools in your phone, stories get real and raw :) Personal stories during the trip, nothing ‘brand’ or ‘marketing’ about it :)


Mighty Maharashtra


Curious observations, visualised :)


Tweet chat about career in social media – Highlights

CareerBuilder India invited me for a Tweet chat today, about careers in social media. It was rapid fire answering for two hours, questions from freshers to professionals to the ones looking for a jump. Here are the highlights :)