The only thing which matters for viral videos – podcast preview

Few months back, Vani Gupta Dandia and I recorded the first episode of her podcast series, power packed ten minutes about videos, virality and branding.

Full episode here..

Viral Video Marketing Session @ IIM Rohtak

“You know the difference between a manager and a leader? Managers manage from the back, leaders lead from the front. Be willing to get your hands dirty, be uncompromising about doing the right thing, keep user experience close to your heart, and your head deep in experimentation and execution to make that happen. Aspire to become the best goddamn leaders this country deserves!” Amazing energy with an amazing audience, the future leaders of tomorrow! Viral Video Session @ IIM Rohtak

Viral Videos Masterclass at JoshTalks

Viral video masterclass at JoshTalks. Incredible team on a solid mission. Creating and sharing inspirational stories from the heartland, in regional languages. More power to you guys. #LetsMakeIndiaGreatAgain