Grateful ☺️

Grateful to read this.. that line about helping the younger version of you, it came from a place of truth. A decade back, travelling in trains, I was that person – figuring things out, looking for guidance. Today when I speak or write, it’s for that version of me, and everyone else on that journey.

Remembering where we started keeps us real, keeps us creating value. That’s the kind of world we want to live in, need to build – where everyone lifts everyone up :)

Thanks for the kind words. But more importantly, thanks for highlighting why we do what we do – to help others find their path faster than we did.

Came for a 30 min session, going back with so much more.. ❤️

What a roller coaster of a trip – electric startup hustle at Huddle Global .. amazing enthusiasm and energy from the audience made the session incredible

made new friends, met old buddies, and the best part: truly ghar wala experience in Trivandrum, Sandeep’s grandma and her warm hospitality.. soul food and conversations.. will stay with me.. grateful