How can you ignite creativity within your team?

Your team is accustomed to strict protocols and feels boxed in with office structures and processes.
Here’s how you can ignite creativity within your team and what worked to produce killer content in the last ten years…

1. Fun

Great ideas are always an outcome of fun. The more fun we had, the better our output. We played TT, charades, watched shows, jammed to music together… Always Prioritize Fun.

2. Break the rhythm

Disrupting routine sparks fresh thinking. Once, I had the team stand on chairs for a meeting. It looked ridiculous but broke the monotony, jolting minds to the new… Another time we drove to the airport together just to return… got stuck in a jam… we had our brainstorm in the car :) Shake up the routine.

3. Free flowing jam sessions

We held unstructured brainstorming where ideas flowed freely. These ‘jams’ allowed for wild, unconventional thinking, often leading to breakthroughs. No idea, no contribution is wrong, and everyone must feel safe to share freely without judgment. Magical dots connect when everyone is in the flow… jamming.

What’s your craziest example of shaking off routine to ignite ideas? Do share… :)

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My purpose is to make the World a happier place, share stories & be the change. Content Marketing is what I do. Creating compelling, shareworthy videos :)

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