Sometimes, just sometimes you need to flex those muscles and tell stories which mean more to you than anyone else. A little experience today, came after years! Freedom from those leech-like credit cards, captured in a 30 second video :)
Category: Happiness
The power of content, kindness and crowd-funding!
Take a good look at this photo (left); That’s the kid you’ve seen in countless memes around the web. Popularly known as the ‘success kid’, a baby with fistful of confidence. Turns out the baby is 8 year old Sammy Griner and his father needed a kidney transplant.
With in a week of adding a crowd-funded campaign on GoFundMe, the Internet gave back $94,000!!! Thats’s the power of content, kindness and crowd funding! What a story! :)
The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention – Oscar Wilde