I feel a lot of B2B brands are missing the bus on the LinkedIn video opportunity..

LinkedIn is a video platform same as Instagram or Facebook or TikTok or Twitter.. LinkedIn is like Instagram in a suit..

your audience already has a user behaviour validated by other platforms.. your prospect.. your client on LinkedIn already uses other platforms.. it’s just that the packaging is different on LinkedIn, and never before existed a platform solely for B2B to thrive..

it’s time to focus on creating share worthy content on LinkedIn because it’s not like B2C where we are selling plane tickets.. B2B is like selling the freaking plane and instead of making five follow-up phone calls over six months..let the content do the magic for you..

When your content on LinkedIn becomes part of audience’s lives, speaks to them.. earns their shares and engagement.. it keeps your brand relevant in their life.. so when you call or reach out you’re already relevant and it’s not a cold outreach

Also it’s not about peddling your product videos as video content it’s about creating content which genuinely drives engagement.. the goal is not recall.. it’s about relevance.. it’s about keeping your brand alive in their lives and that happens with engagement the goal is not for them to see your content or get reach.. the goal is for them to save it.. screenshot it.. and share in their peer Whatsapp groups.. that’s the true goal

so if you’re still sitting on the sidelines about content on LinkedIn it’s time to wake up because if you don’t.. your competition will

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My purpose is to make the World a happier place, share stories & be the change. Content Marketing is what I do. Creating compelling, shareworthy videos :)

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